Location: Copan Ruinas
Copan Ruinas to Hacienda San Lucas (La Pintada)
A perfect place to catch the sunset over Copan. You can even see a small portion of the ruins of…
- Location
- Copan Ruinas
- Views
- 3415
- Location
- Copan Ruinas
- Views
- 3684
Iguana Azul Hostel
Iguana Azul, located in Copan Ruinas, Honduras. Copan’s First Hostel – Since 1997! Featuring four private rooms with shared bath…
- Price
- from 203,42L per night
- Location
- Copan Ruinas
- Views
- 6862
La Casa de Cafe B&B
La Casa de Café, Copán’s Bed and Breakfast Inn is housed in an attractive colonial inspired village residence, four blocks…
- Price
- From 1220,51L per night + tax
- Location
- Copan Ruinas
- Views
- 4709